Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lately, and on more than one occasion, I have been asked the following question when Emma and I are out and about: "Is it a little boy or girl?" In my head I'm thinking, "Are you serious?" I mean, how much "girlier" can you get? It's like Pepto Bismo (spelling?) exploded all over the carseat! Take a look at the above picture and tell me what you think. Is there any question in your mind what sex the baby is?
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http://alberico.net said...

LOL! You can't more girly / frilly pink than that! People are lame!

Rachel said...

Wow...there are so many people in this world that just aren't dealing with a full deck!

And she looks so peaceful in that picture!! I love it!

Natalie said...

There are a lot of stupid people in the world, always remember that! All you would need is a bright pink bow in her hair. SHE is so adorable!

Linda said...

Wow...that's all I can say. Your post definitely cracked me up! She's so cute!

Annamarie Bellavia said...

Hi Gina, Your Aunt Charlene told me to check out your website...awesome I must say. As for Emma's picture...she is so cute and if anyone has to ask if she is a girl or boy, they must be...Well I won't say it, I'll be nice. I love your blog, hope you don't mind me checking in. I love to see your pictures. If you and David ever get in a jam for a sitter, please call me. I'm so close to David's work that it's not even funny. I could always meet him there, to pinch hit baby sit for your guys. Take care and give Emma a kiss for me. Annamarie